The Calling,

Infinitely More Than Usual

An invitation to join B LIVE online for an interactive video conferenced satsang. Participation is possible from most devices (phones, tablets) with a broadband internet connection.

A profound opportunity to enquire deep, to open as Awareness beyond the one you believe yourself to be. B's ever-present invitation to enter the essence of all things will ignite your heart and Being from the inside out!



There are three price options for this event:
• Concession price for students and unemployed. Concession pricing is also available to Teachers of The Form and Heart Group Members.
• Standard price of $15
• Support option of $30 if you'd like to further support B’s work

Concession - $5

Standard Cost - $15

Support - $30

Our opportunity is always, always, always to breathe the ‘non-local’ into the ‘local’. The ‘non-local’ wants to breathe this locality, until every cell is a universe, until every word is cosmic wind, until we see as Light itself, unhindered by the belief that we were ever born or will die.