• Private Residence (map)
  • Uddingston
  • Glasgow


DAY SEMINAR - Saturday November 9th 10:00 - 4:00pm
Local Contact: Bjoern  07854701877

A profound opportunity to enquire deeply, to open as Awareness beyond the one you believe yourself to be. B's ever-present invitation to enter the essence of all things will ignite your heart and Being from the inside out!

During this day you may touch upon all areas of Life - relationships, sexuality, work and creativity, parenting and children, all brought to an awakening heart of Conscious Awareness.

“We are not blinded by the light - we are blinded by the known. Your Freedom is in the Unknown. ”

Every meeting is unique and can be attended independently, yet it is powerful to attend all events as they become a continuous flow of ever-deeper personal/impersonal unraveling and revelation.